Sick Already


Me on a swing because i don’t know what other photo to post!

I woke up 12:00 am needing to go to the bathroom and with horrible stomach pains. After having diarrhea, I felt my stomach cramp up in a way that felt like a knife was cutting me from the inside (well that is actually a bit dramatic! but it really hurt!) This pain continued every couple of minutes all night long. The only thing that I could do to somewhat sooth myself was to lay on the cool bathroom floor. (Luckily our bungalow is described as having the nicest bathrooms on the island). I was in so much pain and didn’t know what to do. I also forgot to get extra water the night before so I had no water to drink in the bungalow. I was in the hell. All I could do was lay straight on my back. I could not make any movements because movements made the pains even worse. I remember thinking if I could only sleep in between pains that I could as least get some sleep .I was however very grateful for the fact that I had purchased World Nomads Travel Insurance. If the pains got worse and I had to get off the island and be transported to a hospital, my insurance would take care of all of the details. Luckily I survived the night! The pains continued throughout the next day but with less and less time between them. Caley even started timing the minutes in-between my pains. I was laughing and thinking about timing labor contractions! Luckily, I am still here to tell the tale.

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4 Responses to Sick Already

  1. Dian Clark-graham says:

    Oh my! This did sound a little like having a baby! Haha! Well I hope you are feeling better!!

  2. sherry chappelle says:

    Melllll, what did u eat? or drink? Be careful!

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