My Classes

The classes I was responsible for included, an art class for children with disabilities, adult English class, and English class for 9-year-old girls. I also assisted with a children’s class that was held at the center.

Art Class for Children With Disabilities

I was most excited about this class. This was actually one of the main reasons I came to Ha Giang in the first place. At first I had no idea how I was going to teach an art class with barely any supplies. Prior to my first class, I spent the morning walking around town with my translation app asking for paper plates and bags. I quickly learned these paper products were not sold in Ha Giang! After finding some card stock at the center and recruiting the help of the other volunteers, I was able to create a bunch of “bear masks” that the kids could color and play dress up  with. I also had some other bear coloring activities that I had printed out for the kids.

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I was happy with the project and excited to do it with the kids. When I got to the orphanage/school, the teachers had no idea that I was even coming. It was very depressing because the kids were literally being locked up in their depressing bedrooms. I was told that the teachers were going to Karaoke. Apparently because it was Friday, the teachers were tired and needed to let off steam. When I asked  who would watch the kids, I was told that a “lower level” staff member would be there. As I left, I felt like I was in a movie. The kids stuck their fingers through the metal grates that were their bedroom walls and looked at me. I was appalled and disgusted. I also needed to remind myself that I could not change the way things are in two weeks.



I had so much fun working with these kids!



I fell in love with this little boy

When I returned to the orphanage on a different day, I had a much better experience and most importantly, the kids did too! Some of the other volunteers joined me and became motivated to change the depressing nature of school. This great couple, Jem and Tom decided that they wanted to start a project creating better living conditions and learning facilities for the kids. Check out their video for their project Colour and Play I am excited to see their project come about!



Adult English Class

I was least excited about this class, and actually quite nervous about it. In Hawaii, I teach kindergarten. I do not teach adults. In fact, I have never taught adults. This class turned out to be my favorite one. The students were great! They all wanted to be there and were excited and motivated to learn. I decided to plan for my adult class, the same way I plan for any other class. I had my adult students playing games, working with partners and presenting their work to the class. I showed them some School House Rock videos which they seemed to enjoy! I  was even was able to find an appropriate time to sing to them.


Some of my awesome adult students

Some of my adult students even chose to attend one of my art classes with my. Having the extra support for my students with disabilities was great. It was also another opportunity for my adult students to practice speaking English while at the same translating for me.


At the center (Where I lived and taught some classes)

Nine-Year-Old Girl Class


Super sweet class

This class was such a blast to teach. The class consisted of about twelve nine-year-old girls and was held at one of the girl’s homes in an adorable mini classroom. We met after school and on Sundays when the girls were not in school. Teaching these girls made me realize how much fun it would be to teach 3rd grade! The girls were excited, happy and oh so giddy! At first I don’t think they quite knew what to think of me! (But they loved me shortly!) Traditional Vietnamese schooling consists of the teacher lecturing and the students listening and copying from the board. Teachers do not tend to sing, act and play games in class.


Building self-esteem and confidence through presentations

For my first class, I taught a lesson about what makes each of us special. The girls had to brainstorm the different things about themselves that made them each special and create poster boards.  I  then had them interview and introduce a friend. I think it is so important to reinforce positive self-esteem in young girls! It was really fun to have a girls only class and to have self-esteem be the focus! This lesson also helped the girls and I get to know each other.


We are all special!

I will really miss all my students! I almost tried to extend my visa but it was too expensive and too difficult. Two weeks was not enough time!

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4 Responses to My Classes

  1. Jessica Graham says:

    I love this post. I teared up a bit reading about the kids locked in their rooms. I’m so inspired by the work you are doing. What a gift you are to those kids (and adults!).

    • says:

      Thanks for reading and sharing! Being in Vietnam really made me appreciate the educational system that we have in the US. I often focus on the negative aspects of our system but compared to so many other places in the world our system is amazing. Thank you!

  2. Heidi says:

    How amazing to teach in another country! You are so awesome!

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