Christmas in the Hospital

I have been really sick, that is why I have not been posting. I will publish some older posts as long as I am feeling okay. However, I wanted to publish a post on my current state. My current state is bad!  If I was on facebook, I would post a sad and sick emoji.  I am currently in the hospital (again)! I am going on my 3rd night here. Unlike with Dengue, I am sleeping here.


My first IV ever

To start from the beginning, I originally got sick in Saping. I had a prolonged headache for several days.  This headache scared me because, 1) I don’t get headaches in the States and 2) a headache was how Dengue started.  I also had a cold along with my headache. And, remember my lack of pooping? Well…I was no longer enjoying it and I really wanted to ( I’ll be polite and say poop even though another word comes to mind!) Various people in the village had colds and two people had even gotten fevers. Everyone thought that my illness was due to the change in weather because it had recently gotten very cold.


I hate how the water flush feels

On top of my sickness, I tripped and fell in the village. The next morning when I woke up, my side and rib were hurting. It hurt when I took a deep breath, laughed, or when I lay on my left side. My fever kept coming and going and the lovely teachers at the school took great care of me. I still had a private room and they would come in a check on me throughout the day. They would make me tea, massage my side with cooling gel and give me different Nepali medicinal concoctions involving honey, buffalo milk, ginger, herbs and I don’t know what else. However, I did not get better.


No fun

The night after waking up completely soaked from sweat, I was asked to give up my room to a very nice a couple. I had previously agreed that when a couple arrived, I would leave my room. There were  many other volunteers all sharing one sleeping space so it really was not fair for me to have my own room, but It still really sucked because I was feeling so bad. I had also been doing a lot of crying up to this point and I felt really lonely and sad that I didn’t even have a private place to cry anymore.

After a terrible night of sleeping (or lack of sleeping), I came to the realization that I would not get better in Saping. I was too cold, sick, and life was too challenging for me to deal with in the village while feeling so bad.  I was also starting to get concerned about my rib because it still hurt 4 days later.  I decided as much as I loved Saping and all the wonderful people, I would not get better if I stayed. I was really sad to leave the kids, but I knew I had to.


A moment without a headache

I walked down the mountain with Uttam (who had to pick up his son from school who was also sick) and two of the guy volunteers who graciously offered to walk with me and carry my bags. Once at the bottom, I told Uttam to leave me. He was going to come all the way back to Dhulikhel to get me settled at the guesthouse before getting on another bus to reach his son. If he went by himself he could go straight there.


Dinner one night

The bus ride was horrible. I think it has been one of my worst travel experiences thus far. In retrospect, I probably should have paid the $100.00 USD and gotten a jeep to pick me up in Saping, but at the time, I was too concerned about the money. I had to stand for the entire 1 1/2 hours on the crowded bus. I started to feel very nauseous and could feel the tea and milk gurgling around in my stomach. The roads are so curvy and bumpy that is normal for vomit bags to be passed around. I was really scared that I was going to throw up and poop my pants  (because I all of sudden started feeling movement in that area). I cried silently for a lot of the ride and kept having to wipe tears off my face. I could tell some people were looking at me, but nobody offered me a seat. I think at this point I would have paid $100.00 just for a seat!


A moment with a headache

When I got Dhulikhel, I went to the hospital to have an x-ray. The x-ray cost less than $6.00. The doctor looked at the x-ray it in the crowded emergency room and told me it was not broken or fractured. I was not examined by anyone. I asked about blood work for my headache and was told that it was pointless at this point. I was told that it was probably due to the change in weather and to come back in four days if it still hurt.

Fast forward a couple days and I was admitted overnight at the CIWEC Clinic, a Western Hospital in Kathmandu. I am writing this from my hospital bed. When I was admitted, I was dehydrated, constipated and my headaches and fevers were a mystery. I was given sodium via an IV and test started to get completed.


CIWEC Clinic

I have given urine, stool, and blood samples. I have also given throat cultures and cultures from up my nose. I have cried a lot and have had horrible headaches. What they have found out so far is that my liver is irritated. I still have Dengue in my system so this liver irritation could be due to that, or something else. As of now, the doctor thinks that I could either have Typhoid or Acute Bacterial Diarrhea (a fancy name for travelers diarrhea). My stool sample contained mucus and pus.

I was started on treatment for Typhoid but if my headache and fever go away for at least 24 hours, typhoid can be ruled out and I will get the diarrhea diagnosis.  The acute bacterial diarrhea seems like a strange diagnosis because I have not had diarrhea. However, that could be due to my constipation. Anyhow, I am hoping for the diarrhea diagnosis and not the typhoid.


I was getting tired of hospital food and wanted to eat something special for Christmas Eve. Someone from the hospital went to a restaurant for me and got me a vegetarian Greek feast. And crepes for dessert!

Lastly, a little rant. I received the typhoid vaccine but according to my doctor, it is only 50-60% effective and not effective against “paratyphoid” the type I could possibly have. So many vaccines in the USA are recalled or don’t even work! What is the point of poisoning your body with them if they don’t even do what they are supposed to do?!


Christmas Eve-Christmas music is also playing 🙂

Merry Christmas!

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25 Responses to Christmas in the Hospital

  1. John Dougan says:

    Merry Christmas and may you be well with as non- threatening a diagnosis as possible. May you feel better as soon as possible. I’m sure you opened a few minds and hearts at the school.

  2. Sam laye says:

    Mel I’ve just read your post I’m so sorry you are unwell again! Please take care and I’m wishing you all the best and a quick recovery. I’ll be thinking of you and how incredibly brave you are! Don’t feel too lonely babe your family and friends and all those lovely peopl in saping will be thinking of you and wishing you well. Xmas

  3. John Dougan says:

    May you be healthier each and every day of your travels.

  4. Mary Ellen Healy says:

    Oh Mel, You’re breaking my heart. I wish your mom could be teleported to your bedside or better yet, you could be teleported back to Media, PA. I am glad to see you are in your own bed and medical staff is by your side. The people you mention in the village all seem to have been very kind. I hope you have a speedy recovery. Tons of love and good vibes coming your way. Xoxo

    • says:

      Thank you, Mary Ellen. You always say the nicest stuff! Yes, everyone was so sweet in Saping…I was just so sick and cold. Merry Christmas! xo

  5. Chantele Thompson says:

    Aww Melanie, so sorry you are going through this! Sending love & light your way and LOTS of prayers!

  6. Mary Van Horn says:

    As a mom, and friend of your mom’s it’s breaking my heart to know that you are sick, alone, in a faraway hospital without your family on Christmas Eve. As an older woman, I’m smiling at your adventurous spirit that takes you to far away places while you’re young. I thought I was badass leaving PGH for Philly. As woman that’s got a few battle scars herself, I see that this will someday be a cool story to tell when you are an older woman. The bus trip alone is a good story. You are a great story teller, you’ve brought us right there. Sending you healing vibes, grateful that you are warm and being cared for in a hospital. Be well. Adventures await!

    • says:

      Hi Mary, Thanks for the kind words and thanks for reading. That bus ride was no fun, but I guess it does make for a good story. It’s funny how I previously thought the buses were so fun and such an adventure. I was certainly not feeling the way on my last ride! Happy Holidays!

  7. Vindi says:

    Oh sweet Mel, my mama bear instincts are so riled right now. This is exactly why I would be a bad traveler. Can I just get on a plane and bring you home already? Aaahhhh! I am so worried about you and sad you are so far away from people who know how awesome you are. I hope you start to feel better soon? I don’t even know anyone there to come help you:(. Love , Vin (mama bear)

    • says:

      Hi Vindi, You are making me tear up! I have been so homesick for Kauai and you all! You have really become my Kauai family. I’ll be ok…I have not had a fever since last night, so that is a good sign. Hopefully, ill be out of here by Monday. As sucky as it is, it has been nice to be warm and have people taking care of me and bringing me food! Miss you! xoxo

      • Vindi says:

        Merry Christmas Mel,
        I hope your fever stays away and your on the mend. I shared a little of your story last night at a little Christmas Eve dinner at grandmas house so we could all send positive thought your way. Reese was worried about you,,,, I can’t remember what she said but it was one of those simplified straight toward answers she comes up with from time to time. Something like “if she is sick then she just needs to get on a plane and come home,,,,THERE DONE” with her hands in the air ??.

        • says:

          I love Reese! And miss you guys so much. Thanks for all the positive thoughts. Over the past two days, I have felt the best so I am hoping ill be out of here soon! I am going a little stir crazy in the hospital! Merry Christmas!

  8. Tom Deschere says:

    Merry Christmas Melanie, hope you feel better soon.

  9. Jody says:

    Holding you and your weary head and body in my heart! You have sure been through it. The best and the worst. I can imagine how awful that bus ride was. Sick and trapped with strangers, ugg! I’m glad to know you are at the hospital where you have a bed, food and they can keep you hydrated while you recover. Stay strong and patient. Thank you for letting us know.. Rallied around you virtually! If you can’t have a “fun” Christmas, have a restful one. Big hug.

  10. Sarah Purcell says:

    Melanie, I am thinking of you and hoping your next post will be a report that you are better and on the road to recovery. Sending healing thoughts to you this Christmas.
    xo Sarah

  11. Briana says:

    Melanie I am so sad to hear you’ve been through so much and about how sick you are. I admire all of you’re strength and courage!! Sending you so much love and healing light and prayers your way?? love you and hope you are well very soon!!! Merry Christmas ???

    • says:

      Thank you, Briana! I have been feeling better today so hopefully, I can leave soon! Enjoy Your first Christmas with that sweet little baby! I can’t wait to meet him! Merry Christmas! xoxo

  12. Ohhhhh Mel, I hope everything turns out okay. I feel scared for you being sick over there. Get better soon and try to have a merry christmas!

    • says:

      Thanks, Sherry! I’ll be ok. I’m at the best hospital in Nepal (it is a western hospital) and I am starting to feel better. I am just starting to go stir crazy! Merry Christmas!

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