Rice Field Exercise and Body Image

Selligram saw a Facebook photo of me and with surprised excitement exclaimed that I was so thin. He then remarked how fat I now am and emphasized my fatness with outstretched arms! I am fully aware that Asians are generally much smaller than Americans and much more blunt! But I used Selligram’s comment as motivation to stop eating Nepali sized mounds of rice, to once again cut back on my carbs and portion size and to start running again.


Selligram, my motivator in several ways!

In Thailand, it was so easy to run and eat healthy. On Koh Chang I ran on the beach every morning and while in Bangkok I could run on streets. In Kathmandu, the streets are too cracked, dusty, and filled with traffic and pollution. But in the village that is not the case.


Ceclia doing push ups

Selligram and I decided we are going to exercise every day when he comes home from school.  The other day after he got home, Selligram led me, his little brother, Shadev and Ceclia through the rice fields. We ran in single file up and down the different hills, we did jumping jacks and ran around the field.


Shadev remained my number one workout buddy 🙂

Different villagers stood around and watched us which was pretty funny!



*I kept up my rice field exercises and strict eating  until I got sick. Since then, (and especially since I have been in the hospital) I have been eating crappy and not exercising. I feel like my weight is constantly going up and down and I need to find the balance. I know I need some sort of exercise once a day and I have to keep my carbs to a minimum. It is also always hard  when others are cooking for me (which is the case with volunteering).  I will be heading to Goa soon so I can start running on the beach again, but I am certainly not feeling ready to put a bikini back on!


Saping is so beautiful!


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